
Many of the items on the Station menu are only enabled when a station is selected in either the Map or Messages windows


Mark the station as a favorite. This has the following effects:

Lookup Callsign

Opens the selected station in a web browser using a callsign lookup service, like or HamQTH

The menu item is enabled when you provide account details for a callsign lookup service in PreferencesDisplay.

Add to Contacts

Fetches the stations details (name, address, etc) from a callsign lookup service and creates a new entry in your macOS Contacts.

The menu item is enabled when you provide account details for a callsign lookup service in PreferencesDisplay.


This submenu provides a number of queries that can be performed. There are two kinds of queries, general and directed.

General queries are sent to all nearby stations. As such, these menu items are only enabled when you have one or more local connections that are transmit enabled.

Directed queries are sent directly to a particular station and are only enabled when you have selected a station.

Item Query Response
All Stations (G) All stations query Station’s position and status
All IGates (G) Query all Internet Gateways IGate station capabilities
All Weather Stations (G) Query all weather stations Weather report (and the station’s position if it is not included in the Weather Report)
Stations Heard Direct Query an individual station for stations heard direct List of stations heard direct
Station Heard... Query if an individual station has heard a particular station. You will be prompted for the station. Position of heard station as an APRS Object, plus heard statistics for the last 8 hours
Outstanding Messages Query an individual station for outstanding unacknowledged or undelivered messages All outstanding messages for the querying station
Objects Query an individual station for its objects Station’s objects
Position Query an individual station for its position Station’s position
Status Query an individual station for its status Station’s status
Trace Query an individual station for a trace (i.e. path by which the packet was heard) Route trace

QRU Categories

Like general queries, QRU queries are also sent to all nearby stations. As such, these menu items are only enabled when you have one or more local connections that are transmit enabled.

Requesting a Local Summary will cause nearby QRU-enabled stations to send you a list of any objects that are available in a certain geographical radius from your location. The distance is configured in PreferencesMessaging

Because QRU queries calculate the range from your location, not theirs, you must have transmitted your position recently in order for stations to respond properly

QRU stations can assign a QRU category, or group, to objects that they transmit. When queried for a particular QRU category, a QRU station should respond by transmitting a fresh position for the objects that match the requested QRU category.


This can be used to export information about a station for a file.

Supported Formats

GPS Exchange Format (GPX)

The stations position history will be exported as a GPX track.

Keyhole Markup Language (KML)

KML is the file format used by Google Earth. The stations position history will be exported as a KML track.

Clear Track

Removes the selected stations track from the map. Note: The station’s position history is retained in the database, so anything that replays the history, such as dragging the timeline or restarting the application, may recreate the track on the map.